Alcohol Toxicology
Review medical records of testing of persons involved in alcohol issues.
Back Calculations (Retrograde Extrapolation) of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) to the time of the incident / accident.
Dram Shop cases.
Cognitive Effects of Intoxication.
Impairment Determination.
Alcohol Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion evaluations.
Calculate the amount of alcohol needed to reach a given Blood Alcohol Concentration.
Expert testimony regarding breath testing and the Breathalyzer.
Review documents, report, records, and videos from the police department's investigation of alleged alcohol violations.
Alcohol Assessments (AUDIT, NIAAA).
Review traffic accident reports, Alcoholic Influence reports, Accuracy Inspection reports, statements, depositions, interrogatories, and all documents regarding alcohol that pertains to the case.
Review testing results of other laboratories either by blood, breath, or urine, or any other biological matrix.